A Lesson in Time: A Short Story (completed) part 2

*Please note that A Lesson in Time: A Short Story is a fictional story that in no way reflects the personalities of the involved celebrities. We don’t own any images!


“How long are you staying?” His brother asked. “I’m boarding a flight tomorrow,” Wayne answers. “That fast? This is the work of your nieces isn’t it? Did they demand for presents in the shape of men? Spill!” His brother, Evergreen asks. “It’s nothing of that sort! How old do you think they are? Do you think they’ll ask their uncle these things? They’d probably blush.”

Opposite the guest room, Nancy and Fala – twins born to Evergreen and Elena – were exchanging lipsticks, perfumes and chocolates. It was ‘their’ little secret. Uncle Wayne tucked away little presents underneath his bed since their elementary years. There were imported toys, storybooks, toffees and more! He knew that the twins were sneaky enough to mess with his luggage with pranks. “Consider this a bribe,” he’d say, the very year they took their prank overboard.

The victim? Their potential aunty. The real victim? Their uncle. “I don’t want a heart attack for Christmas this year, argues his fiance.” “Uncle – ” the duo carried in a cup of hot chocolate. Quickly wiping his tears away, “I get it. To be honest, sooner or later, I would have arrived at the same decision.” The way the two girls spilled out their thoughts (in a huff!) about his ex-fiancé made him chuckle. “Girls, are you bitching or consoling?” Came Evergreen’s voice. “Con” Nancy said. “Soling!!!” Was the response. “Nah.” Nancy says, handing the hot chocolate over. Wayne pretends to grumble for having to share a cup with the two girls.

Part 3